Friday, June 14, 2013


It's time to revive my blog!  I'm not positive what the central theme will be, not likely Miss E, but there may be some elements of that situation along with other aspects of my journey, and hopefully lots of stories!

I appreciate anyone that stops by to read what I'm writing from my perch atop the blog universe.  I'm a novice, but enjoy the aspect of writing and want to share my knowledge, fantasies, thoughts, and experiences with whomever wishes to come along for the ride.  I encourage you to "follow" my blog and to engage with comments and even submit guest blogs that I can post.

When I started the blog I had a few viewers, but only one young lady that subscribed to the feed.  Maybe she'll find her way back now that I'm active again and I welcome the rest of you!

I'm going to try to post once or twice a week as I can fit it in with my increasingly crazy schedule.

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