Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why Miss E?

So what is this blog?  I'm a single 4o yr old male that is using this blog as an occasional diversion for me that may or may not be entertaining at some point, and depending upon your preferences may or may not be interesting.
Who is Miss E?
Miss E is an old high school friend that I lost touch with over the years.  We were good friends in HS, but not incredibly close.  Apparently she had a big "crush" on me at some point during HS, but I was too preoccupied with other girls, sports, and just being a teenage guy to have any interest.
A few years ago,we reconnected and began catching up through email.  Eventually her and her husband moved back to the area and we began meeting for lunch and catching up more.  Without going into too many details at this time, the friendship grew and I saw something in her that I hadn't ever seen in her.  She wasn't very happy at the time, so our friendship took a slightly more personal turn, but nothing ever happened between us...we just got closer, shared more, and became best friends.
Somewhere along the way I "fell" for her.
One of the reasons, although not the only nor the main reason, but the one that I will be focusing on with this blog is a dominant/submissive relationship.  She has a very dominant personality and I've developed a submissive side over the past few years.  During a harmless, yet flirtatious, talk I admitted to her that I had submissive feelings and she admitted that she would enjoy being dominant over a man.  Nothing ever happened, but her demeanor became a little more stern and direct with me, which struck a chord deep down inside.  And at times she enjoyed the bit of control she had over me.
For example, the profile picture is of her foot.  She sent that, and other similar pictures, to me periodically.  I had never had a foot fetish or had any special fascination with women's feet.  I merely thought a sexy pair of heels enhanced the overall appearance of a woman.  However, now after having her send me those pictures and asking me to tell her why I liked them, I am now captivated and enthralled with her feet.  In fact, although she is a very attractive woman, I had not ever been attracted "to her".  That's not anything against her, that's just the way I am.  I don't tend to be physically enchanted by a woman until I know her better.  There has only been one girl that I fell for just because of her looks, and I quickly learned that no matter how physically beautiful a girl may be, she may not be "attractive" in the least.  However, as we became closer and our friendship grew, I saw more of Miss E's beauty and now I  find her to be an incredibly beautiful and sexy woman!
Things eventually improved in her life, so our relationship grew apart.  We are still friends, but we communicate infrequently and do not have the same level of sharing and trust that we once had.
I occasionally become slightly fixated on her and the desire to see her, speak to her, or just see pictures of her face or feet, and when I ask her for them she becomes irritated, so this is my outlet when I'm in one of those moods.
I may tell fantasies I have, I may tell stories of our innocent encounters and how they affected me, or I may just write about totally random topics, but I'm starting this as a way to release my desires when they arise.  As I alluded to earlier, the dominant side of Miss E isn't the only, nor the most important, reason that I fell for her, but it is the subject that is most difficult to suppress when I'm thinking about it.
Thanks for stopping by and I welcome correspondence or comments on any subject.

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